Virtual Assistance Club

Virtual Agency – Norwich/host – business network group, The hub with people joining locally, nationally and internationally.

VIRTUAL agency – Norwich is the host for the networking meeting, They facilitate the function of holding and administrating the group.
If you want to start your own business or require a professional service, you can utilise this community to network.   

Welcome to the Virtual Agency Club, the best virtual hangout for Norwich and beyond business enthusiasts, entrepreneurs, and professionals!

So, you’re ready to take the plunge into the fascinating world of networking and collaboration? You’ve arrived to the correct location! We’re your friendly Steel City hosts, ready to spice up your business game and connect you with wonderful people both locally and beyond Whether you’re a business rookie, a seasoned veteran, or simply someone trying to sharpen their talents, our group is all about levelling up with like-minded people who want to re-learn skills, polish up, or work on lead generation or CRM capture.
So, you’re ready to take the plunge into the fascinating world of networking and collaboration? You’ve arrived at the correct location! We’re your friendly Steel City hosts, ready to spice up your business game and connect you with wonderful people both locally and beyond.
Our group is all about levelling up together, whether you’re a business rookie, a seasoned veteran, or just someone trying to enhance your talents.
Want to start your own business, or are you already in business? Come to our virtual video network meeting where your host has their own business knowledge and invites others to join The network from Norwich serving the local, national, and international community.


£25.00 /month for 4 meetings on month.

Already a member

then please join us using below link or Join us free for a month free trail.
username : your name , password : 12

Interested in running business networking meeting in your own area?

Join us as an agency and start owning your own business.


£25.00 /month for 4 meetings on month.

Already a member

then please join us using below link or Join us free for a month free trail.
username : your name , password : 12

The overall benefits - Virtual Agency Network Club?

Networking Opportunities

  • Access to a community of like-minded business owners and entrepreneurs.
  • Opportunities to connect with peers in various industries and locations.
  • The chance to build valuable professional relationships and partnerships.

Leads and Referrals

  • The potential to receive leads and referrals from other members.
  • A platform for promoting your products or services to a targeted audience.

Introduction of Your Own Business

  • The ability to showcase your business and expertise to a wider audience.
  • Opportunities to present your business during networking events or meetings.

Training and Education

  • Access to training resources and workshops to enhance your skills and knowledge.
  • Stay updated on industry trends, best practices, and regulatory changes. 

Events and Workshops

  • Participation in local, regional, or national events organized by the network. 
  • Attending workshops, seminars, and conferences for personal and professional development. 

Discounts and Benefits

  • Potential access to exclusive member discounts on products and services. 
  • Savings on business essentials, insurance, and other necessary expenses. 

Legal and HR Support

  • Assistance with legal and HR issues, including employment law and contracts. 
  • Access to templates and resources for managing your workforce

Advocacy and Support

  • Representation of your business interests at a political and policy level. 
  • Access to guidance and support on various business-related matters. 

Virtual Agency Club, a supportive business community, provides a hub for collaboration within a network of people.    In the Entrepreneurial circle, our aim is to create professional relationships and partnerships with like-minded Growth-orientated individuals, create a business alliance for Sole traders, SMEs, and Businesses to create Alliances and forge relationships and friendships. 

How does it work?

Join as a member, provide your details, and then proceed to the page where you can enter your user name and password.  Join the arranged meeting and we will meet you on the inside.  The approach is casual; when you settle into the room, do a 1 to 2 minute introduction about yourself, turn on the microphone and video, and share your links in the public conversation. 


Meetings are held on Fridays from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. 
There are no hidden charges in the price. The trial period lasts 30 days, and the monthly fee is £25.00 plus VAT. 

Want to run your own Network Club event yourself?

Want to run your own Branded Club Virtual Network meeting or a Virtual agency one, Apply today, fill out our contact form, or buy a package to become an Agent in that area, and you will Have a listing on my site.   You can then be a Host and facilitator in your AREA with national, and international reach  We are building a network to run your own business networking meetings. Planning a successful networking event is an exciting journey, and here’s your roadmap to make it a remarkable experience for all involved

1.Clarify Your Purpose and Mission

Begin by defining the heart of your event. Is it a gathering tailored for professionals in your industry or a haven for entrepreneurs and small business owners? Or perhaps it’s about helping newcomers make friends in your area. This mission will guide every step of your planning.

3.Outline Your Budget

Determine the costs involved, whether it’s guest speakers, refreshments, or other expenses. Consider pricing tickets reasonably to add perceived value. Seek sponsors relevant to your audience or allocate funds from your marketing budget.

5.Pick the Right Time and Day

Consider your audience’s preferences. Young professionals might prefer after-work events, while parents might favour daytime gatherings. Midweek events often work well. Virtual events offer flexibility, and recording sessions can ensure no one misses out.

7.Facilitate Conversations

Encourage networking by introducing attendees to each other, especially if they share common interests. Use pre-event information gathering to make relevant connections. 

2.Choose Your Network Club or Event Type

 In today’s digital age, virtual networking has taken centre stage. It’s accessible and offers a broader reach. You can opt for structured sessions or a more casual format, depending on your audience. Icebreakers can help break the initial barriers.

4.Select a Venue (Virtual or Physical)

If it’s an in-person event, Think about venues like community halls or unique spaces for that wow factor, or if you’re staying in a hotel, you could book the conference room. Negotiate favourable rates with venue managers.  Know a friend who owns a pub?  For virtual events, the possibilities are endless.

6.Promote Your Event

Create an event page on a platform like Virtual Agency or your own website. Leverage social media, especially targeted Facebook campaigns, to reach your audience. Utilize LinkedIn and industry press for wider promotion.

8.Follow Up

Keep the momentum going after the event. Establish online communities, share event photos, and send a thank-you email. Collect feedback through surveys to continually improve.

1.Clarify Your Purpose and Mission

Begin by defining the heart of your event. Is it a gathering tailored for professionals in your industry or a haven for entrepreneurs and small business owners? Or perhaps it’s about helping newcomers make friends in your area. This mission will guide every step of your planning. 

2.Choose Your Network Club or Event Type

 In today’s digital age, virtual networking has taken centre stage. It’s accessible and offers a broader reach. You can opt for structured sessions or a more casual format, depending on your audience. Icebreakers can help break the initial barriers. 

3.Outline Your Budget

Determine the costs involved, whether it’s guest speakers, refreshments, or other expenses. Consider pricing tickets reasonably to add perceived value. Seek sponsors relevant to your audience or allocate funds from your marketing budget. 

4.Select a Venue (Virtual or Physical)

If it’s an in-person event, Think about venues like community halls or unique spaces for that wow factor, or if you’re staying in a hotel, you could book the conference room. Negotiate favourable rates with venue managers.  Know a friend who owns a pub?  For virtual events, the possibilities are endless. 

5.Pick the Right Time and Day

Consider your audience’s preferences. Young professionals might prefer after-work events, while parents might favour daytime gatherings. Midweek events often work well. Virtual events offer flexibility, and recording sessions can ensure no one misses out. 

6.Promote Your Event

Create an event page on a platform like Virtual Agency or your own website. Leverage social media, especially targeted Facebook campaigns, to reach your audience. Utilize LinkedIn and industry press for wider promotion. 

7.Facilitate Conversations

Encourage networking by introducing attendees to each other, especially if they share common interests. Use pre-event information gathering to make relevant connections. 

8.Follow Up

Keep the momentum going after the event. Establish online communities, share event photos, and send a thank-you email. Collect feedback through surveys to continually improve. 

Now, you’re all set to embark on your networking event journey with the support of Virtual Agency. We embrace diversity and welcome everyone, whether budding entrepreneurs or seasoned professionals, to connect positively in our community. Let’s grow together!


£25.00 /month for 4 meetings on month.

Already a member

then please join us using below link or Join us free for a month free trail.
username : your name , password : 12

Interested in running business networking meeting in your own area?

Join us as an agency and start owning your own business.


£25.00 /month for 4 meetings on month.

Already a member

then please join us using below link or Join us free for a month free trail.

username : your name , password : 12

Interested in running business networking meeting in your own area?

Join us as an agency and start owning your own business.

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